Wednesday 1 August 2012

Strawberry Filled Puff Pastries

Cook Time: twenty minutes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 50 minutes


1/2 lb. strawberries
one - two Tbsp. granulated sugar
four Tbsp. Amaretto; divided
four oz. mascarpone; at room temperature*
one Tbsp. heavy cream
two frozen puff pastry shells


one. Remove strawberry caps & cut strawberries up in to roughly thumbnail-sized pieces.

three. Cover berries & permit to sit for four - 8 hours to draw our juices (macerate).

two. Taste a couple of pieces & toss berries in a medium bowl with one to two tablespoons of sugar depending on desired sweetness. Add two tablespoons of Amaretto.

five. One time strawberries have macerated, process about 1/4 cup of berries in a mini food processor or blender (I love my immersion blender for this task) with one tablespoon of Amaretto.

four. In a small bowl thoroughly merge mascarpone, heavy cream, & one tablespoon of Amaretto.

7. Cook puff pastry according to package directions.

6. Strain strawberry puree through a sieve to remove seeds.

8. Remove pastry cap & add a teaspoon of puree to the cup. Put a teaspoon of mascarpone in the cup, add a few berries, add a bit more mascarpone, replace cap, add a bit more mascarpone & a few more berries, then drizzle with puree.

*Note: In the event you cannot find mascarpone, cream cheese is an option & so is yogurt cheese.

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