Sunday 15 October 2017

Swiss Roll Cake

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6 - Eggs

3/4 Tbsp - Cream of Tarter

2/3 Cups - Granulated Sugar

1 Tsp - Vanilla

1/4 Tsp - Salt

3/4 Cup - All Purpose Flour


Pre-heat oven at 220 degree centigrade.

Separate the egg whites and yolks.

Beat egg whites and cream of tarter together on high speed.

Add 1/3 cup sugar init and beat continuously until sugar dissolved completely and egg whites became glossy.

Beat egg yolk separately n high speed for approx 3 to 5 minutes to became thick.

Now add remaining sugar and beat until sugar dissolved completely.

Then add salt and vanilla and beat a little more.

Add flour in it and whisk.

Then add egg white mixture and fold to be well combined.

Now grease the baking dish and spread the mixture over it.

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until done.

Take the cake out of the pan and roll.

Ready to serve.

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