Wednesday 28 November 2012

Holiday Fruitcake

Cook Time: two hours

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: two hours, 15 minutes


one cup butter
one cup sugar
two eggs
1/2 cup milk
1-3/4 cups currants
1-1/4 cups mixed candied citrus peel
1/2 grated nutmeg pod
one cup slivered almonds
one lemon, zest & juice
1-1/4 cups flour
Dry sherry for sprinkling


Generously grease & line with parchment paper an 8-inch round pan, or grease & flour a 5-cup ring mold; set aside.

Cream the butter & gradually add the sugar, beating until the mixture is light & fluffy. Add the eggs separately, beating well after each addition. Add the milk.

In a separate bowl, combine the currants, candied peel, nutmeg, almonds, & lemon zest with 3/4 cup of flour. Add the remaining cup of flour & lemon juice to the egg batter; mix well. Fold in the fruit & nut mixture.

Pour in to a prepared pan & bake in a 300-degree F oven for two hours or until a fine skewer inserted in to the fruitcake comes out tidy.

Loosen the edges of the cake from the pan or mold with a knife & permit to icy on a wire rack before unmolding. Sprinkle the cake with a small sherry, permit to icy . Wrapped well & refrigerated, it will keep for several weeks.

Yield: one fruitcake

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