Sunday 18 November 2012

Pasta Dessert


For this dessert you will need:

1 cup + 1/4 cup of sugar
 2 cups of cream
 1 watermelon
 1 good quality vanilla bean
 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
 1 box of pasta
 2 tablespoons of salt
 1/2 cup of sliced grapes
 1 teaspoon of arrow root (you can substitute corn starch, but I'm an arrow root guy)

Step 1: Grapes

Cut up enough grapes longitudinally to fill a 1/2 cup measuring cup, make sure to slice them thin
 Then put said grapes and cup in a freezer

Step 2:  Sauce

Add a 1/4'' of water to the bottom of a pan on medium heat. Then add the cream, mix thoroughly. Next add 1 cup of sugar and
 split a vanilla bean in half length-wise. Scrape out the pulp like innards and put it all into the cream-water-sugar mixture along with the almond extract.

Step 3: Pasta

Fill a medium sized pot full of water, add the remaining sugar and the salt, put on medium heat and stir to combine, once combined, add the pasta.

Step 4: watermelon

Take the watermelon and cut off about a 3rd of the watermelon (I had a relatively large watermelon, if yours is basketball sized or smaller just use the whole thing). Roughly chop up the edible pink part of the watermelon and put it into a blender, blend until liquidized. then pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a measuring cup.  Add 1 cup of the strained watermelon juice to the sauce and mix it in, it should turn a chestnut brown

Step 5: Arrow Root

Mix the arrow root in a small amount of cold water and add it to the sauce, mix thoroughly. Cook the sauce down a little more.

Step 6: Last step

Finally, when the pasta has finished cooking, drain it and add it to a bowl along with the sauce, then cool it, add the (now frozen) grape slices, plate it, and take the remaining melon and use a melon baller to make the "meatballs" seen in the final dish.

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