Thursday 29 November 2012

Gulab Jamun


three cups Milk Dry
one cup Flour
two Tbsp Baking Powder
one tsp Cardamom powder
6 oz Butter
one cup Cream ( & )
6 oz Pistachio
two cups Coconut (shredded)
two quarts Vegetable oil

6 cups Sugar granulated
one cup Brown sugar
one Tbsp Rose water
two quarts Water


Collect ingredients.
Start making sugar syrup (need a heavy sauce pan or other nonstick utensil)put all ingredients except rose water together and put on low heat.
Add rose water before frying gulab jamans Melt butter, warm cream and merge both.
Sift powder milk, flour, cardamom powder and baking soda.
Using the butter and cream mixture, knead a soft smooth dough.
Break out small pieces about size of quarter & roll in to small balls.
Heat the oil in a saucepan. Keep the heat at medium.
Put rose water in sugar syrup.
Drop few dough balls at a time in the heated oil. (They ought to expand in size) Fry until evenly dark golden brown (not burnt).
Remove and immediately drop in warm syrup. Let all these cooked dough balls (gulab jamans) soak until all dough balls are completed.
Take out all gulab jamans from sugar syrup and roll in shredded coconut.
Plate with syrup and garnish with pistachio.

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