Monday 21 January 2013

Strawberry Swiss Roll


3 giant eggs
3oz/85g castor sugar, warmed
3oz/85g self raising flour, sieved
For the filling:
four level tablespoons strawberry jam
Castor sugar


Set oven to 220'c
grease and line a shallow swiss roll tin 9 by 12 inches. Take eggs at room temperature and whisk with sugar until mixture is light and creamy and leaves a trail when a whisk is lifted out of the mixture. Fold in flour, using a metal spoon.
Turn in to prepared tin and smooth level with a palette knife. Bake in a hot oven for 7-10 mins until
sponge begins to shrink form edges of the tin and is pale golden.
Turn out on to a sheet of greaseproof paper dredged with castor sugar. Trim edges of sponge, spread with warmed jam and roll up tightly. Dredge with castor sugar and icy on a wire tray.

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